| 1. | Statistics on certificate of hong kong service supplier 服务业供应商证书申请概况 |
| 2. | Italian firm qualifies as hong kong service supplier 穗港成立cepa协调小组助港服务业开拓广州市场 |
| 3. | In charge of logistics service suppliers ' sourcing , negotiation and managements 负责物流运输供应商的谈判与管理。 |
| 4. | Points to be highlighted when applying for a certificate of hk service supplier 广州开设专为港人服务的绿色通道 |
| 5. | Service supplier in tourism 旅游服务供方 |
| 6. | Select the qualified shipment service suppliers , and control the logistics cost 选择合格的当地物流供应商,控制运输成本。 |